
A Revenue Architecture is a process for accelerating revenue growth.

Rev-en-ue noun:  the return or yield from any kind of property, patent, service, etc.; income. Ar-chi-tec-ture noun: the process and product of planning, design and construction. “Revenue Architecture” is the process and product of planning, designing and constructing the capabilities for sustainable revenue performance.  A  Revenue Architecture helps businesses of any size align marketing and sales and engage the market to generate demand and convert sales.  

There are three dimensions of a Revenue Architecture:
Revenue Architecture

  1. Strategy:  Defining the innovative strategies and prioritized initiatives that will help you differentiate in the market.
  2. Systems: The integrated platform of brand, channels, people, process and technology forming your revenue engine.
  3. Programs: Creative and predictive marketing and sales campaigns that engage audience, drive demand and convert sales.

A world class Revenue Architecture is defined by leading practices across 30 dimensions. We developed a diagnostic tool called Revenue Grader to help business owners and revenue leaders sell-assess their capabilities and prioritize focus.

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