Expanding Your Digital Review

Website assessments are nothing new, yet today, we need to take a comprehensive view that includes a look at your websites, apps, media, and social media presence. So, when you do your next check-up, instead of thinking “website assessment,” you should be thinking “digital assessment.” Given how rapidly things are changing in digital strategy and systems, you should be conducting a self-assessment at least each year. When we do this for clients, we call it a “DXI” –  Digital Experience Index. The benefits are clear.

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We are excited to be rolling out a new website today with updates to our messaging as well as a new visual system. The visual system communicates the vision and focus we share with our clients every day: how to build greater marketing and sales agility to respond to a rapidly changing technology, media and competitive environment.

In this post, I thought I would outline the framework broadly including, at a high level, the strategic capabilities that we think all businesses need to build in order to achieve this vision, compete with agility and drive sustainable revenue performance.

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