Posts related to B2B marketing and sales

A Revenue Architecture is a process for accelerating revenue growth.

Rev-en-ue noun:  the return or yield from any kind of property, patent, service, etc.; income. Ar-chi-tec-ture noun: the process and product of planning, design and construction. “Revenue Architecture” is the process and product of planning, designing and constructing the capabilities for sustainable revenue performance.  A  Revenue Architecture helps businesses of any size align marketing and sales and engage the market to generate demand and convert sales.  

There are three dimensions of a Revenue Architecture:
Revenue Architecture

  1. Strategy:  Defining the innovative strategies and prioritized initiatives that will help you differentiate in the market.
  2. Systems: The integrated platform of brand, channels, people, process and technology forming your revenue engine.
  3. Programs: Creative and predictive marketing and sales campaigns that engage audience, drive demand and convert sales.

A world class Revenue Architecture is defined by leading practices across 30 dimensions. We developed a diagnostic tool called Revenue Grader to help business owners and revenue leaders sell-assess their capabilities and prioritize focus.

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It’s the middle of Q4 and the end of the year is fast-approaching. For many, it is a time to slow down from work and spend time with family. For sales people, it’s can be a frantic time, as many B2B companies must close sales opportunities to achieve revenue goals.

So, what can the marketing team do to help the sales team and ring in the New Year on a positive note? Here are a few tips to align marketing and sales and help ease the December frenzy and drive some upward momentum into the New Year.

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Marketing Automation has been around since the 1990s. Back then, the focus was on automating email marketing— managing the development and delivery of emails to target lists at scheduled times. Over the decades, software developers expanded the capabilities of Marketing Automation to meet the requirements of a variety of marketing functions and users.

Today, Marketing Automation refers to a broad range software technology for marketing and it is an important element of closed loop marketing. Its evolution has raised many questions about what it is, what it does, and whom it benefits.

Corporations with complex, high-consideration sales are often accused of Complex Sales Campaign Designfocusing on the short-term, which is inevitably reflected in their demand generation or campaign strategy. This generally means that marketing and sales are not aligned and operating to some degree as silos.  With short-term horizons, the campaign communications focus tends to be on sales driven, tactical programs designed to seek out “hot leads”.

In the highly competitive, complex B2B sales world with longer sales cycles, this is not fully sustainable.  There is a typically a sales team or committees of savvy buyers A short term focus may eke out some leads, but what about the other leads who may with some nurturing turn out to be qualified opportunities — but not yet “sales-ready.” The modern buyer knows your product or service from what is readily available on the web and related sources and will be considering any number of options before making a decision.

Studies show that 50% of leads are qualified but aren’t immediately ready to buy something from you [Source: Gleanster Research]With lead nurturing however, you can bring those leads through your sales funnel and garner 4-10 times the response rate compared to a regular email blast while doing it [Source: SilverPop/DemandGen Report].

So where do you start?

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Many consider writing a blog post a daunting task. The structure needs to be clear and the writing needs to be persuasive.

It does not need to be a daunting task! A blog post can be drafted quickly using a structured persuasive communications approach.

So, how can you write a blog post effectively…..quickly?

The answer is to use Persuasive Communications and Top-Down Thinking!


Begin with a single persuasive message and follow a proven ‘top-down’ structure:  S-C-Q-A!

  • Situation
  • Complication
  • Question
  • Answer (single persuasive message)
+ supporting points or “key lines”

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