Before you publish a blog post, ensure the content, and context meet your company’s standards and the post is optimized and ready.  Too often, authors get off topic or write overly complicated information without proper context resulting in a less than positive response and engagement.  When we publish a post or work with clients on publishing a post, we use a checklist to remind ourselves to address a range of important factors.  Below is a Blog Post Checklist that includes questions you can ask before pressing the ‘publish’ button.

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pointing_hand_left_1Title and Authorship:

  1. Does the post title capture viewers interest?
  2. Does the title create a sense of urgency?
  3. Is the title relevant to one industry/market or is it evergreen?
  4. Does the title include relevant keywords / phrases for SEO?
  5. Is the author properly set, including their social media profile?


  1. Is the content evergreen?
  2. Does the blog align with your overall marketing themes and #hashtags?
  3. Has the content been fully proof read?
  4. Is the blog post aligned with your services and expertise or industry verticals?
  5. Are you using the right keywords and keyword phrases?
  6. Have you filled out the SEO and meta data section?
  7. Have you categorized the blog properly?
  8. Have you included images? If so, are they properly sized and linked?
  9. Have you added alt text to the images?
  10. Are you using inbound links or outside content?
  11. Are links properly synced?
  12. Have you given credits to original sources?
  13. Are you using a featured image? Is it the right size, e.g. 600px x 450px?


  1. Do you have a call-to-action (CTA)?
  2. Is the CTA a text link or a button?
  3. Is the CTA linking to the proper landing page (LP)?
  4. Have you tested the links and forms?
  5. Is the Call to Action (CTA)  language consistent with blog content?


  1. Has your blog post been reviewed by stakeholders, editors and approvers?
  2. Have you reviewed and edited the post based on team input?
  3. Will you share and amplify the post across social media platforms?
  4. Is this blog worthy of a Press Release or outside publication?
  5. Are you proud of your blog post?
  6. Would you share your post with your friends on social media?

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